Do we need to be thin to be healthy?

By: Bryna Gavin, MS, CNS


There's this funny thing that happens when you work in the "health + wellness" space where people often look at your body as an indicator of whether or not you should be seen as legitimate.

I’ve heard people say things like “you wouldn’t go to a hairdresser with bad hair, so why would you go to a nutritionist who isn't thin/fit?”, but if we're talking about true health and wellness, we're missing out on the cornerstone of the definition of these terms. 

When we talk about "health" and "wellness" in functional medicine, we're talking about the whole person as a living, dynamic, breathing, multi-faceted being. When I talk about a person being "well", it's considering not just their physical state, but also mental (psychological), social, and often even (stay with me here...) spiritual well-being.

The goal of health to a functional medicine practitioner isn't just the absence of disease... it's when a person is sincerely thriving in every facet. Not only is your body functioning the best it can (and things are running well under the hood), but you also have energy, mental clarity, stable good moods that come easily, and so much more.

(Now at this point if you’re thinking “it’s a lot easier said than done to get all those things working together at the same time.” Congratulations! You’ve proven that you are a human being. Welcome, friend! Healing is not linear, and it’s not finite. Working with your body as it ages and evolves to feels your best is a relationship where being a constant, active participant yields best results.)

A huge component of wellness has much less to do with how you look in your body, and everything to do with how you feel day-to-day. There’s a huge difference.

So back to my point:

Just because you’re not comfortable sharing a photo of your body publicly does NOT mean that you aren't healthy. Or healthier than you were before. Or working to get there. More importantly, as we know all too well, having a body that is aesthetically in line with today's pervasive beauty standards doesn't mean you are healthy. I have some incredible clients in eating disorder recovery who will share with you openly how 100,000 Instagram "likes" and a (very ironically titled) Women's Health magazine cover happened at a time where they felt ostensibly, the sickest they had ever been. The physical and psychological collateral damage from your only goal being a body aesthetic can be unbelievably damaging to a person's well-being. Dare I say, even more than a doughnut, or some Chinese take-out, or some booze.

On a side note: when did being knowledgeable about human nutrition become synonymous with posting bikini pics and having abs? I don’t buy it. It breaks my heart to see nutritionists, RDs and other health professionals feeling the need to legitimize themselves by showing their bodies to the public on their websites and social media.

I know this topic is highly personal and delicate, but my point is simply this: you don’t need to be thin to be the healthiest you’ve ever been. Health is highly individualistic. What’s healthy for you might not look like what’s healthy for me, and the same goes for your neighbor.

When we start using bodies to gauge our idea of health, we dilute the term.

Furthermore, if our definition of “healthy people” is so limited that it only applies to those who have already achieved maximum biological, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness… we’re going to be sorely disappointed with what we find. Most of us aren’t there yet.

Now, please let me caveat and say if you are confident and proud of your body, that's wonderful! Share away! Throw a 10-foot selfie on top of the Chrysler Building and I'll be the first one in line to loud-clap you on. Your choices are valid and you matter. And yes, of course being physically fit can (and will) benefit your health both biologically and mentally. Let's not pretend it won’t. But this little blog today isn’t for those guys.

This blog is for the people I work with every day who exhaust themselves in (eating disorder) recovery, and still fall into the trap of feeling like a failure if they don't meet the aesthetic of a "fit and healthy" person. This blog is for the people who feel healthier than they did yesterday because they are making an active effort, but still get down on themselves because they don't want to (and may never want to) advertise their body as the reason they pursued the path of health. Your choices are valid and you matter too.

Maybe you're seeing a nutritionist because you want to work on your anxiety or depression. Maybe you want to tackle that brain-fog, mobility, or heal a strained relationship with food. Maybe you have a chronic condition you want to address. (Gut health and nutrition therapy can help all of these, and there's plenty of research to back it up.)

So instead of hyper-focusing on how our bodies look, here are a few more powerful questions to ask yourself when considering real overall health (this is not a comprehensive list, and in no particular order of importance):

  • How much do you depend on caffeine for energy?

  • Do you feel rested when you wake up?

  • Are your bowel movements regular, well-formed and easy to pass?

  • Are your skin/hair/nails strong and vital? (Abnormalities can be an indicator of vitamin and mineral deficiencies)

  • Are your menstrual cycles regular?

  • How is your digestion overall?

  • What kind of feelings come up for you around food?

  • Do you struggle with cravings?

  • Do you feel like you need more education about what foods and supplements are best for your unique makeup?

  • Do you have a sense of connection to others? Do you have people you love and feel safe with?

  • Do you handle stress well? How does your body react to stress?

  • What kind of environment do you live in? Are you aware of the environmental toxins you may be exposed to? (Air, skincare products, human-made chemicals in food and household products like BPA, phthalates and pesticides, etc)

There are a million more questions we can ask ourselves that deal directly with our overall health and have nothing with the way our bodies look.

 The borrow from a friend on social media, 

One of the worst ways you fail your body is by making its appearance the core of your worthiness.”

Our bodies do so much. So much more than you'll find in pictures. Let’s move away from using bodies as a gauge of wellness and talk more about how damn good it feels to feel better in ours.

Yours in wellness, 


Why don't you call it a "diet"?

By: Bryna Gavin, MS, IFMNT, CNS


This was a question I was asked this morning by a client and I realized it that moment I’ve probably been asked this about one hundred times.

“Why do you call the foods you want me to eat a “protocol” instead of a diet?”

It’s a great question, and one that’s worth answering with a bit more than an Instagram post so I’d like to try to do that here. First things first: In integrative nutrition, we use food as medicine and work to use whole foods and changes to lifestyle (like managing stress, getting good quality sleep, and exercise) to help improve peoples’ health.

This is why during a session when we talk about certain foods, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc that would be helpful to you for your specific needs, it’s meant in a therapeutic sense - not a “dieting” sense. Now, it’s true that the word “diet” by definition really just means the food that a person consumes, but that is not the way it is typically used it today’s society.

The term dieting (in the traditional sense, the way most Americans use it) is an umbrella term that typically refers to a form of short-term starvation.

Yep. I said it.

Although caloric restriction (think Weight Watchers) is typically the most popular, it’s basically a term that is synonymous with some type of restriction for the sake of weight loss.

When someone says “I’m on a diet”. What do you typically think of? This term carries with it a very heavy and negative connotation for many, and I want to help my clients step out of that mindset completely.


I meet with brilliant, successful people every single day who come to me talking about how they've "failed" at dieting and "have no will-power" around food but really what we’re looking at as an issue of willpower is actually an issue of a biological drive. As a general rule, fasting and restricting is counterproductive to appetite. It actually turns on the neurochemicals that drive us to eat. You have to remember... the body's M.O. is to stay alive. When it senses starvation (even in small amounts), it will naturally up-regulate its drive to eat.

You can't fight biology. When you deprive yourself of food, it's going to preoccupy your mind. You'll obsess over what you can't have. A starving body needs to be nourished, and trust me when I say that the biggest hurdle to a healthy relationship with food is restriction. (There was a starvation study by Ansel Keys where starving men were so preoccupied with food it would keep them up at night. They would collect recipe clippings of food they couldn’t have and lick the pages of cookbooks to try to satiate their cravings. I'm not kidding.) So the long and short of it is, while caloric deprivation may help you lose weight, it’s typically not sustainable weight loss and it does nothing to help a person foster a healthy, trusting relationship with real food.

A lot of people love this approach because it gives them a faux sense of "balance". Eat a salad and lean protein all week, and splurge with whatever you want on the weekends. The problem with this is... weekends occur 104 days of the year. That's 260 days of restricting and 104 days (likely) overeating. This isn't balance... it's a yo-yo diet and an ineffective one at that. I once met a client who subscribed to this mindset and her birthday fell on a Tuesday and she didn’t allow herself a piece of birthday cake because it was during the week. If that isn’t torture I don’t know what is.

When we diet, we’re restricting the foods we allow ourselves to enjoy and in doing so, we’re stealing the joy of eating from ourselves. We lose touch with what we actually want and are trapped by what we think you "should" eat (and let's be honest.... no one wants a salad 365 days a year). Furthermore, when we get used to ignoring our hunger signals they begin to fade and now we’re screwing with our innate ability to listen to what our body needs.

Dieting, in every sense, gives a person the idea that they can’t be trusted to make their own choices about what goes in their body. It steals our sense of agency, and this is especially true for my clients who were put on a diet by their parents. At a very young age, they were given the message that they can’t be trusted with food and I don’t want our work to perpetuate that… I want it to heal it.

No matter how you look at it, eating is a social, cultural, and biological event that should be enjoyed.

The style of eating we put together for each individual person is their therapeutic protocol. It's how they are going to use food as medicine to nourish their body. It’s not about manipulating our bodies to be a certain size… it’s about healing gut dysbiosis, regulating hormones, supporting your organs of detoxification and moving your body so you can make dopamine and oxytocin. It’s about having more energy, improving your cognitive function and digestion and so much more. Now is weight loss a side effect of working with a nutritionist? Yes, often. But I try to encourage my clients (or potential clients) not to fall into the trap of letting weight loss and “dieting” be your only goal.

There is so much more to be gained than just shedding a little weight.

Yours In Wellness,


Nutritionists vs. Dietitians: What’s the difference?

Bryna Gavin, MS, CNS


So your doctor gives you a diabetes diagnosis and says you need to change the way you’re eating. Or maybe you’re ready to start trying to have a baby and you want to make sure you’re as healthy as possible before conception. Maybe you’ve been struggling to lose that last 10-15 pounds, or are finally seeking help for the eating disorder that’s been plaguing you for years. Maybe you’ve just found out you have Celiac disease and everything you think you know about what to eat just got really confusing and you need some freaking guidance.

You want to see someone who can offer you personalized nutrition counseling, someone who can help you to uncover the cause of some unexplained symptoms. Ideally, someone who can make personalized meal plans and offer you some support and partnership while you navigate the road to healing.

Okay. you know you need help… but who are you supposed to seek out? A nutritionist? A dietician? Someone else? And what’s the difference anyway?

(Okay if at this point you realize that you didn’t signup to read a whole blog and you just want to get the bullet-point version, just scroll to the bottom. I got you.)

Listen, navigating the research that exists out there around food can be a scary and confusing thing (not to mention frustrating). What you know to be good for your body is seemingly always changing, and being told that you need to change what you eat or how you live can be anywhere from intimidating to downright terrifying.

Now what you’re about to read is by NO means the most comprehensive breakdown in the world, but it is the condensed version, to help you understand the difference (and similarities) of these titles.

“Dietitian” and “Nutritionist” are often confusing titles for lay people to navigate. In many ways, their training can be very similar, and both are regulated health care professionals. But there are a few important ways that they are different. (One of the most prominent being that earning a CNS certification requires a Master's Degree in the field of nutrition and 1,000 hours of supervised clinical internship where as an RD requires a bachelor’s degree). But before I go on tooting my own horn it should also be noted that RD’s make up a much larger percentage of the field, and they dominate in legislation and the professional world due to being around longer than the CNS. And that goes to show how well-known and trusted the RD credential is.

So why all the confusion between the two names?

Well, first of all, let me say this: universally, the term “dietitian” is pretty protected. Legally, you can’t declare yourself as a dietitian, or more precisely, registered dietitian (RD) until you become registered with Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR).

Unfortunately for my colleagues and myself, the term “nutritionist” doesn’t have quite the same protections in most states. The laws on credentialing, and even using the term “nutritionist” varies state-to-state, meaning that in some states (like California where my private practice is based), literally anyone can call themselves a “nutritionist” with no legal recourse. Some states (depending on their categorization as red, yellow, orange, or green) require you to be board certified before you can practice nutrition, and some do not.

Worse yet, it’s becoming increasingly accessible (and incredibly uncool if you ask me) for someone to take a 2-week online certification course from a made-up organization and call themselves something like a “nutrition consultant”, “nutrition health coach” or that they have received their “nutrition coaching certification” from XYZ school. My concerns with these "certifications" is that oftentimes there are NO governing boards that review, standardize, or even qualify the material taught as being accurate. It’s the equivalent to paying your neighbor to tell you about their cat’s bowel movements and them dubbing you a “certified feline feces specialist”. It’s simply, not a real thing. And it matters that we empower ourselves to ask the right questions before we give people our money and listen to their advice about what to do with our bodies.

(Let me take a moment and sidebar here and say that although there is no one governing board that regulates Health Coaches, I know some brilliant practitioners who started as health coaches or use their health coaching background to work with individuals in states that would otherwise not let them practice as nutritionists and they are doing great work in the world. There are some very reputable organizations like the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) who offer health coaching certifications that have the sound, clinically-based teachings. Furthermore, I know some brilliant holistic practitioners who do not have extensive formal training in medicine who I personally believe to be more effective healers than some doctors I’ve met in my day… so you understand what I’m getting at, right?)

My point here isn’t that one credential is better than the other (as long as the credential is legit.) I just want to help guide people to ask the right questions so the person you pay to see is both capable, and going to be the right fit for your needs.

Now, back to business. Using the term Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), however, is legally protected. If you are seeing a nutritionist, you should be seeing a CNS, or a practitioner who studied nutrition science or a comparable track at an accredited university who has completed a supervised clinical internship and who is licensed or board certified. Now I know I’m biased, but I don’t believe you should be able to call yourself a nutritionist without completing ALL of the above.

If you’re not sure if the person you’d like to work with has a legit certification, a simple litmus test could be asking them for their National Provider Identifier (also known as “NPI”) number. An NPI number is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Both RD’s and CNS’s can (and should) have an NPI number. Appropriately trained and credentialed health practitioners should all have one.

If someone markets themselves to you as a “nutritionist” but doesn’t have an NPI, and didn’t attend an accredited educational institution, I would empower you to dig a little deeper. Ask questions and make sure they are open to answering them.

Is it because they are finishing up an internship? Cool.

Is it because the “certification” they bought online was a 10-day crash course in celery juice cleanses and now they call themselves “Chad Johnson, CJCS - Celery Juice Cleanse Specialist”. Well… maybe there’s room for a few more questions before you decide to work with Chad.

All in all, what matters most is that the individual you are trusting with your health and your money:

A) knows what they are talking about (this is where proper education comes in).

B) Is someone that YOU want to work with.

So empower yourself to ask questions about how they practice, how they can help you reach your goals, and maybe even why they chose their educational path in the first place. This can help you to feel empowered and informed when you choose the nutritional professional you want to work with.

And if you’re still a little fuzzy on the difference, take a peek at this handy little summary below:

Distinguishing Between Dietitian vs Nutritionist

(The short and sweet version.)


This credential is governed by: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

To become a RD, dietitians must:

  • complete a baccalaureate degree from an ACEND-approved program; complete an ACEND-approved supervised clinical program

  • successfully pass the CDR registration examination

  • complete continuing professional education credits needed to maintain registration.

(the most common non-RD nutrition credential)

This credential is governed by: The Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (CBNS)

To become a CNS, nutritionists must:

  • complete a master’s or doctoral degree in a field-related discipline

  • complete 1,000 hours of supervised practical experience

  • successfully pass the BCNS certification examination

  • complete continuing professional education needed to maintain certification.

The above information comes from the this page called that breaks down the state requirements for the nutrition and dietitian fields.

Micronutrient Testing: What is it, why it matters, and what it can mean for you.

By: Bryna Gavin, MS, IFMNT, CNS



So what is a micronutrient?

In nutrition, we speak about the components your body needs in terms of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and water) and micronutrients (mainly vitamins and minerals- and sometimes we even talk about antioxidants, metabolites, and the other fun stuff). Often times the micronutrients get overlooked and overshadowed by the more popular conversations around "macros" and food but make no mistake, they are equally as important and in the next few paragraphs I'll tell you why.

Why test my micronutrient status in the first place?

Let's say you are the kind of person who never misses your annual physical with your doctor. You get the standard blood work done every year (hopefully covered by insurance) and you think "this would tell me everything about my health", right? Well, unfortunately, not really. This standard blood work that most physicians count on usually comes in the form of a Complete Blood Count (CBC) and a Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP). Now although these blood tests are wonderful, they are more aimed towards giving us a general overview of major organ function and basic blood status. Yes, this is very valuable information, but it's meant to help your doctor or health care professional track something specific (like cholesterol, or liver function), or look for any red flags that might help lead us to a condition that needs addressing. What this blood work doesn't do is give us any insight of your vitamin and mineral status in the body, which are essential for normal cell function, growth and development. 

But how important are vitamins + minerals in the body, really?

I'll answer this one in 6 words: they are very...very VERY important. Some vitamins and amino acids are even categorized as "essential" meaning just that- they are essential to our survival and if not acquired through diet or supplementation we would die. So what are these crazy important vitamins? I'm sure you've heard of some of them. A few examples might be the family of B vitamins, which help with energy production, making red blood cells, skin and nerve health, and the making of our DNA. Vitamin A helps to form and maintain healthy body tissues, and Vitamin D is critical for the proper absorption of Calcium (your bones thank you for this one), mood balance, and cognitive function. If you're interested in reading more about micronutrients and their major functions, Harvard Health has a nice little chart that can be found here for you to buff up your micronutrient knowledge. Trust me, naming all the vitamin deficiencies and their acute symptoms in alphabetical order is a great party trick. (I'm kidding. I tried that once and no one was amused.)

 Now luckily, we live in a day and age where most of us have access to vitamins, supplements, and even healthy foods that could provide us with a well-rounded diet. So why then would we even suspect that any of us could have a micronutrient deficiency? 

Well, the answer to that can be extremely complex, but it boils down to this: because the diet you eat, the way you live your life, and the way your body absorbs, assimilates, and processes vitamins and minerals are all completely different than anyone else. I've seen first hand in a family with very similar routines and sun exposure, who eat an identical diet and one member tested extremely deficient in Vitamin D while the rest of the family were all in optimal range. That's called biochemical individuality and it explains why one diet or style of eating can work really wonderfully for one person, but not another. Why one identical twin has a peanut allergy but the other doesn't. Your unique biological makeup has a big part in determining how your body absorbs, uses and stores vitamins. Compound this with the fact that the average American is overworked, overstressed, undernourished and underslept and these leads to a host of deficiencies. 

Statistically, how common are micronutrient deficiencies in the US?

The United States Department of Agriculture states that:
9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium.
8 out of 10 are deficient in vitamin E.
7 out of 10 are deficient in calcium.
50% of Americans are deficient in vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
More than half of the general population is vitamin D deficient regardless of age.
About 70% of elderly Americans are vitamin D deficient.
90% of Americans of color are vitamin D deficient.

Now if reading that felt totally daunting, don't worry. The great news here is that most micronutrient deficiencies are easily reversible or even avoided, all we have to do is be in the know of what's going on in our bodies.

Would a micronutrient test be good for me?

With very few exceptions...yes.

Tens of thousands of Americans go to the doctor every year because of symptoms from an unknown cause or with no diagnosis. Fatigue, exhaustion, hair loss, feelings of depression and anxiety, headaches, joint pain, loss of vision, neurological issues, anemia, diarrhea and gastrointestinal issues...these (and so many more) can all be symptoms of a lack of important vitamins and minerals in the body. If left untreated, long-term vitamin or mineral deficiency (or excess, also known as vitamin toxicity) can lead to serious health complications and disease. This is why I believe in the value of micronutrient testing as one of the introductory courses of action for many new clients, even when they are feeling great! When I get that standard blood work from your doctor, I'm lucky if we get to see even one or two of these micronutrients status represented, and that's simply not enough insight to get the full picture. As a whole, it can be an incredible tool for a nutritionist to take the guessing out of symptoms and allows us to hit the ground running when putting together a customized nutritional protocol. 

I'm often asked if bloodwork is "necessary" when seeing a nutritionist, and of course this depends on your medical history, what you're hoping to achieve while while working together, and your budget. But if you're looking for a comprehensive, reasonably priced test you give you some great insight into your current health status, micronutrient testing is definitely a good place to start.


Why having a "summer body" is a term we should all agree to let go.

By: Bryna Gavin, MS, IFMNT


A client asked me today if I have a "winter body". I said "Yes. It's the exact body you're looking at, but I'm more forgiving with my leg hair." 

Let's have quick chat about this whole "summer body Vs. winter body" verbiage. These terms normalize altering your physical appearance based on how many people are going to see your body, and it suggests that we should only prioritize our health during certain windows of the year. Both of these approaches are unsustainable, emotionally reckless, and less than you deserve. Not to mention it begets a whole emotional spiral and can be completely triggering for the 99% of the human population who don't happen to have come from tippy top of the gene pool with there unreasonably symmetrical faces and bodies that look flawless in a little red bikini. Every day I speak to men and women recovering from eating disorders, struggling to lose weight and regain their health, overcoming chronic illness, or who've been wearing a colostomy bag single childhood and they simply hate the term "summer body"...and to speak frankly, I think it needs to leave our lips and our collective vocabulary for good.

Your body deserves kindness, it deserves being prioritized, and your health deserves to be in the forefront of things you take care of every single day. Also, if you're goal is having a physical appearance you're proud of, then start by being proud of your physical appearance. "Looking good"- in my opinion and those of many of the mind/body wellness professionals I greatly admire- is a welcomed symptom of feeling confident, empowered, and taking care of your body on your own terms. The best way to start down this road is to take everyone else's opinions about your body, and throw them in your emotional dumpster with that-hurtful-thing-so-and-so-said and all the thoughts you had that time you compared yourself to a Kardashian. None of it is real. None of it serves you. You are too timeless and gorgeous to bog yourself down with the worries of what other people think about your physical appearance. And guess what? Your body is going to change and ebb and flow. Welcome to being a beautiful human being. But that doesn't mean we should care about it less sometimes, and more others. What I'm getting at here is, don't marry the numbers; on the scale, in the measurements, anywhere. Now does that mean we should jeopardize our health and disregard being at risk for disease? No way.  It just means that there is so much to be learned in the journey, and you have to love the skin you're in along the way. There are so many studies  that show us the link between negative body image and disordered eating habits so to me, talking about our self-acceptancle and body love is not only relevant in my's imperative. We know from this study in the Journal of Social Psychology that a positive body image is often linked to a positive social, emotional, and psychological well-being. And this all starts at home, right now, with you.

Your health is everything. It directly determines your quality of life on this earth. So what do ya say let's throw out the "summer body" and just allow ourselves an "everyday body" that we try to treat kindly and care for with the love and attention it deserves. Cool. You're awesome. Now scroll on, friend. ❤️

A Summertime Smoothie for Healthy Boobies: Mango Lassi [w/ turmeric + ginger]

By: Bryna Gavin, MS, IFMNT


Yep, I said it. Boobs. Now that I have your attention...

It's summertime. This heat wave is real here in LA, and nobody wants to hear my nutrition nerd-rambles or go anywhere near an oven. In the constant search for tasty recipes to give my clients that are both healthy and clinically backed, I sometimes forget that today's audience prefers something that is simple, convenient, and Instagrammable. So in an attempt to "stay cool" (ha! Get it?!) I went searching for a fun, refreshing, no-heat-required recipe that is both good looking and good for you. The mango lassi is a traditional Indian drink I stumbled upon a few summers ago and it has always been my simple go-to refreshing snack on a hot summer day. With sweet, tropical mango mixed with creamy and tart yogurt, this smoothie satisfies poolside, inside, really any other side-related fashion.

Now, I wouldn't be being true to myself if I didn't include some evidence based research up in here. I mean, recipes are fun, but I'm not a blogger- I'm a nutritionist- and that means I'm gonna learn ya something while you're here.

Recently, an old friend and bad-ass breast cancer survivor reached out to me and asked about food choices to help her keep moving toward her healthiest self, and we did a little talking about food choices that are particularly known for breast health and containing anti-cancer properties. Naturally, I wanted to give her some recipes that were easy to digest, took very little time, and where the ingredients didn't break the bank- and again, enter the Mango Lassi. So I think now is a perfect opportunity to dissect the ingredients in this drink and talk about how it's not only the perfect refresher, but also a boobie-friendly summertime treat.

Lesson #1: HOW TO STAY RELEVANT: [Talk about boobs.]

Did you know the Okinawa population in Japan have some of the most long-lived and healthiest individuals on the planet? They attribute most of this longevity to their diet, which is high in spices like turmeric. I've posted about the health benefits of turmeric in past recipes so I'll spare you the repetition and just say this; it's wonderful for you. Think anti-inflammatory. Think antioxidants. Think brain booster.

Ginger, we know is incredible for digestion, bloating, constipation, and inflammation as well and promoting a healthy gut, but how can it help keep our breasts healthy? Recent studies have also show that ginger extracts actually increased apoptosis (death) of certain breast cancer cells. Other components of ginger, called gingerols, were shown to have a slowing effect on the proliferation and spreading of breast cancer cells. I know. It's awesome. Also, in long term studies, women who incorporate ginger and turmeric into their everyday diet have a typically diminished rate of breast cancer in comparison to the general population who eat the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a commonly cultivated tropical fruit rich in polyphenolic compounds that protect and fight against certain types of breast cancer. A study found that these protective compounds had cytotoxic effects on certain breast cancer cells in vitro and decreased tumor volume by 73% in mice compared with the control group.

Now, there are a lot of varieties of mango lassi recipes online. This particular version I've adapted from a fellow Clinical Nutritionist, Crista Orecchio, with one twist; instead of using Siggi's yogurt (which is wonderful, don't get me wrong) I've used an unsweetened, vanilla kefir. It has about 10 grams less sugar and touts more probiotics, which means it's simply more potent for supporting that good bacteria in the your gut. If you know you really don't care for the tart taste of Kefir, you can use an unsweetened yogurt of your choice. I find that an icelandic style skyr gives the creamiest texture, but go with what you know you like. Make yourself happy, friends.


1 1/2 cups no-sugar added yogurt or kefir (plain or vanilla) 
3/4 cup frozen organic mango
1/2 tsp dried turmeric
1/2 tsp dried ginger
Squeeze of lemon
Pinch of sea salt
3 turns or one pinch freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp raw honey (optional)


Add yogurt, mango, turmeric, dried ginger, sea salt, and black pepper to a blender. Squeeze in the lemon. Add honey, if using. Blend until smooth and pour into a tall serving glass.
Top it off with a heavy sprinkle (about 1/4 tsp) Root & Bones Chaga for extra antioxidants, immune boosting and energy support (optional).*

*Use code "SIMPLE" at check out for a 15% off discount for any order. [Root and Bones was started by an Herbalist in NorCal who personally oversees all of the quality/sourcing of these extracts and she's truly a gem. I'll have another post soon about the wonderful health benefits of mushroom extracts, but for now...just get. that. discount. baby. ]



All in all, this is a simple, delicious smoothie and the perfect healthy upgrade to those sugar-pops we sometimes reach for to keep cool. It takes just a minute or two to make and is the perfect go-to when you're craving something sweet and tropical, something great for your gut and also...boobies!.

Yours in wellness, 

A simply beautiful explanation.

Thank you to Dr. Mark Hyman (M.D. and leading voice in the world of Functional Medicine) for sharing this little nugget of wisdom. Learning about nutrition often feels intimidating because we hear so many conflicting "facts" from all sides. Although the biochemistry bit can get a little in depth, one very simple truth remains: eating real, whole food is the best thing you can do for yourself. 

What constitutes a "whole" food? Simple. The food, as it occurs in nature, with all of its edible parts.

To borrow the words from author Margie King, "Western science is obsessed with deconstructing food, researching and analyzing its component parts, isolating the "active ingredients," repackaging them in pills or powders and prescribing them in daily doses". But according to some experts in the realm of nutrition that I very much admire, this chemistry-based theory of nutrition is completely upside down. 

Dr. AnneMarie Colbin, award-winning author and leader in the field of natural health advocates that our bodies know the difference between a whole foods and an aggregation of isolated nutrients. The human body has evolved over thousands of years to eat the food that nature presents to it and if that food has been split apart or "fragmented", the body knows and goes looking for the missing parts. Now, of course certain isolated nutrients have their place in the realm of nutritional therapy (regulating deficiencies, for example) but evidence based research shows that whole foods in their purest form are perfectly designed by nature to be digested, absorbed, and burned more efficiently and beneficially for the body than processed foods.

Every day we are inundated with tens of thousands of supplements, treatments, diets, and "health secrets" in our society...yet the population as a whole is continually becoming sicker and sicker. Chronic illness, cancer, and obesity are at an all time high and why? But we have stopped eating, and lost our connection with actual food. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is riddled with processed chemicals, fillers, binding agents, and dyes that are packaged and marketed as food...but it's not. So what do we do? Get back to the basics. The real stuff. The good stuff.

Real whole food should require refrigeration, or have a relatively short shelf life. Real whole food should come from the ground. Real whole food should be free of pesticides, added chemicals, and genetic alterations. 

Isn't it great? It really is that easy.

If you want to know what the healthiest food you can be putting in your body is...reach for the real stuff without any health claims at all.

Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie



When you find yourself craving something delightfully reminiscent of pumpkin pie
(but looking for a nourishing treat instead of a sugar crash)...this one is for you. 

Or, perhaps you live in Los Angeles and it's 85 degrees on October 1st and the thought of baking sounds like a real-life nightmare. This one is also for you. Chilled, smooth, and riddled with Vitamin A for those gorgeous eyeballs, Vitamin C to boost immunity, fiber for controlled blood sugars, protein and only natural sweeteners.


(Note: I have adjusted this recipe to my personal preference in consistency and taste, you can play with the spices and yogurt ratio. For a vegan option, coconut yogurt or more plant-based milk may be used with extra ice!)

8oz (1/2 can) organic pumpkin puree
3oz 0% greek yogurt
1 frozen banana
4 to 8oz plant based milk of choice (almond or hemp are wonderful, to desired consistency)
big handful of ice
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpin pie spice
1/4 tsp (1/2 packet) organic stevia -OR- 1TBSP organic maple syrup/raw manuka honey
pinch nutmeg, few drops of organic vanilla extract/scraped fresh vanilla bean
*pictured: sprinkled with chia seeds (optional)

1. Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender until smooth.
2. Drink immediately. 

At this point, you might be upset with how loosey-goosey these measurements are. Well my friend, that's because I believe in making food to your liking. I always tell my clients: use more of what you like, less of what you don't. It's how we begin to grow our relationship with food. Learn what tickles your fancy and incorporate it into your dishes! The more you love it, the more you will enjoy it, and the more you enjoy it, the more likely you are to continue on your path of wellness by giving your body when it yearn for- real, good food. 

Now grab a straw and enjoy!


Golden Beginnings

It seems only fitting for the first day of fall, and the first day of this little blog that we make a warm, soothing, anti-inflammatory and immune boosting turmeric tea. Traditionally known as "golden milk", this is one of the most simple and worthwhile recipes to make for yourself and your loved ones as we head into those chilly winter months. This tea, based with coconut milk and starring the ever powerful turmeric is creamy, flavorful, and sure to warm your bones and calm your spirit. 

So what is so great about turmeric? Well, if you’ve lived under a rock for the past few years, lets get you acquainted with this super-spice. To borrow the words of Sarah Vance, Nutritionist and author,
“With a rich history in Ayurvedic medicine, tumeric is one of the most revered roots. Tumeric is an incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory & antioxidant herb. It has been shown to detoxify the liver, assist in the removal of mucus, lower cholesterol, help to manage weight, treat IBS, provide iron, and and is a wonderful herbal remedy for the treatment of stiff, sore, arthritic, or inflamed joints. Studies suggest it could be useful in preventing cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes. It is also a digestive tonic, antiseptic, antiparasitic, astringent, pain reliever, blood purifier, wound healer, kidney-stone dissolver, eczema treatment, and more.”

Many of these health benefits come from the curcumin (the principal curcuminoid of turmeric).
(WellnessMama wrote a wonderful and comprehensive article on the health benefits of curcumin that you can read here.)
We do have to remember, however, that the curcumin content of turmeric is not that high… it’s around 3%, by weight. Additionally, research shows us that curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. So what do we do? We make sure to add a dash of black pepper, which contains piperine… a natural substance that enhances the absorption of curcumin by 2000%” (Science!)

In a quick internet search, you'll find plenty of variations to this recipe. This particular version appealed to me as both the tastiest, and boasting the most nutritional benefits. 

So whether you already know and love the perks of incorporating "golden milk" into your diet regime or you’d prefer to read some evidence-based research, the proof is in the pudding. Or technically... tea in our case.

Ingredients1 (16oz) can of regular or light coconut milk (use full can of milk and fill-up once more with water to make 1:1 ratio)-OR-3 cups of homemade coconut milk1 tbsp turmeric (fresh ground or powdered)1 tbsp cinnamon1 two-finger pinch of finel…

1 (16oz) can of regular or light coconut milk (use full can of milk and fill-up once more with water to make 1:1 ratio)
3 cups of homemade coconut milk

1 tbsp turmeric (fresh ground or powdered)
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 two-finger pinch of finely ground black pepper (more if desired)
1 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup or to taste
1" cube of fresh, peeled ginger root or ¼ tsp ginger powder
small pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

1. Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender until smooth/frothy.
2. Pour into a small sauce pan and heat for 3-5 minutes over medium heat until hot but not boiling.
3. Drink immediately. 

Makes 3-4 servings. Or 2 big ol' servings if you'd like. Go on, we won't hold it against you.

This soothing blend works wonderfully before bed, in the morning in the place of coffee, or literally anytime in between.
Make, drink, and share it often.

Go on, nourish yourself.